DemiCare Web Application Access
In this article we will go through step by step registration process for the DemiCare web application.
Step 1: Once you access the link above, following screen will appear. In case you are new user, click on the "Create an Account" button.

Step 2: "Create an Account" button will redirect you to the next screen where you need to:
- Select "I'm patient"
- Select that you have read and agreed to the Terms of Service
- Click "Next"

Step 3: Once you press "Next" button, you as a new user will be prompted to add the following information
- Email address - Email address must be in the right format
- Password - Password must contain at least 8 letters (1 upper case, 1 lower case, 1 number, one symbol
- Repeat the password - it must match the password in the field above
Once all 3 fields fulfill the cirteria, you will be able to click "Create an account".

Step 4: If all previous steps are done properly, "Create an account" button will trigger a validation email and you will see the following screen:

Step 5: At this stage, you can go and access your email address where the validation email will be delivered. Validation email will look like the following example, simply click on the button "Confirm Email".

Step 6: Once "Confirm Email" is clicked on, you will be redirected to the DemiCare application where you need to click "Log In" and add your previously provided username and password.

Step 7: After successfully entering your Login credentials, you will have to add few more information before proceeding with using the app. You will be prompted to add the following
- First Name
- Last Name
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Make my profile visible

Step 8: On "Save" button, you will be redirected to the Dashboard page and moving forward this will be a default screen each time you log in as a user

In case of any issues or difficulties feel free to address it to
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