Failure to recognise people
During the disease, a person with dementia may eventually lose the ability to recognise things, places or people. This can be because of memory loss, confusion or poor eyesight, but it could also be due to “agnosia”. Agnosia is when the brain no longer is able to remember things or put information together. The person might not recognise family, their own reflection in a mirror, places or how objects work. This can be upsetting for the person, but also very distressing for you as a caregiver.
Try to provide assistance.
Demonstrate or explain how objects work. Try to remind the person about places or people by pointing out different features or characteristics.
Don’t draw unnecessary attention to the mistake.
It will be frustrating for the person with dementia if you only focus on the mistakes.
Try to find a tactful way to remind or explain.
It will help the person maintain some sense of the environment and people around without getting to frustrated.
Use photos or other objects as reminders.
This might help the person remember persons, relationships and places.
Stay calm.
It’s difficult if you loved one does not recognise people or places but try to remember this is because of the disease. Showing that you are hurt might just upset the person further.
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